
How Long To Bake Snow Crab Legs

At long concluding, the much anticipated Jackie and Daria update is available for Spiritfarer! The Beverly update was released on August 31st, so it's been over three months since the last one, and fans had been clamouring for more than content. I did an interview with Thunder Lotus Games earlier in the year, where they confirmed this would be the terminal update. As such, it needed to pull out all the stops, and believe me, it has! This update has brought hours of additional content, and several new quests. Some of the new requests are a little challenging, then I've made this Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria quest guide to help you out.

In it, I'll encompass several topics such as where to observe Jackie and Daria, how to go started with their quests, what you need to exercise to consummate their requests, where to get Radiant Springs, and more. I've covered literally every aspect of their quests. I've also made guides for all the shenanigans related to Overbrook, the new island. Some of the quests and shenanigans are related, and I've put those ones together. Otherwise, all the standalone shenanigans are listed at the stop of the article, after the main quest line. If you're only interested in the Overbrook shenanigans, or desire the new recipes, I've fabricated a separate guide hither. For the master quest line, information technology's in chronological order, so simply scroll downwards to the detail 1 you're stuck on. I've listed all the quest names in the heading for your convenience.

Getting Started With Jackie and Daria

Jackie is a hyena spirit whose favourite food is Chilaquiles. Daria is a bat spirit whose favourite food is an Apple. Much like how you lot needed to discover Astrid before you could get Giovanni on your ship, the same is true here. Jackie and Daria's stories are intertwined with one another, and so you need to exercise them in order. Only before you can do annihilation, y'all need to brand sure y'all're ready for the quest line. You will demand:

  • Rock Destroyer (boat upgrade)
  • Mist Cleaner 1000 (boat upgrade)
  • Double jump (Stella's ability)
  • Null line (Stella's ability)
  • Glide (Stella's ability) – Recommended only non essential

With the update, if you've got the required ship upgrades, then you lot should receive a letter in your mail. Bank check it, and yous'll take a brochure inviting you to Overbrook. Go into your inventory to read the brochure. This is a new island on your map, and the co-ordinates are 213, 57. Go at that place, and in one case you arrive on the island, head to the left. You'll come across a brownish spirit with a burgundy exclamation mark. Talk to him, this is Jackie.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide
Speak to this spirit that's stood next to the vending machine.

Quest: Snack Attack

For the very commencement quest with Jackie, he'll enquire y'all to get him a Chocoblasterz from the vending auto next to him. When you interact with the machine, you'll exist able to buy it, but it will cost you one obol. If you've completed the remainder of the game and then you'll be able to afford this, but if you can't, you'll need to get an obol by recruiting one of the other spirits to bring together your gunkhole starting time, and then come back to this quest. Please note that Jackie'southward quest line will require 2 obols in total, and then make sure that you lot have plenty before continuing with this quest line, otherwise you may need to become and find some other spirits showtime.

Purchase the Chocoblasterz, which will make the vending machine glow, and so talk to Jackie to give it to him. He will transform into his hyena class. This is dissimilar to the other spirits you'll have collected, equally they usually don't transform until they're on the gunkhole. Giving Jackie the Chocoblasterz will complete this quest.

Quest: Onboarding

For this adjacent quest, Jackie will offering to give y'all a bout of Overbrook. Have him up on this, and follow him every bit he takes y'all around the isle. He'll head over to the infirmary, the master edifice on Overbrook. He'll stop every now and then to talk to the other spirits. When he does so, his burgundy exclamation marker will appear, and you'll need to talk to him every time this happens. Once you arrive at the pinnacle of the building, talk to him one final fourth dimension to consummate the quest.

Jackie's tour of Overbrook, Onboarding.
Jackie has a quite big-headed personality, but he's not all bad.

Quest: The Slop Shop

This one is overnice and unproblematic. For this quest, Jackie will requests 5 bags of rice. If you don't have rice yet, you can grow it on your boat in the field. You tin can purchase the seeds from the shop in Furogawa for seventy glims each. Once yous have grown and harvested your rice, return to Jackie on Overbrook. He'll be pacing on the path outside the infirmary, well-nigh where y'all first met him.

Quest: Avant-garde Snackology

You'll have to expect a bit before y'all can practice this adjacent quest. This is something you'll need to become used to, as a lot of Jackie and Daria'south quests require patience. Head off the island and do something else for a while, perhaps make some progress on your shenanigans. The next morning, you'll receive another alphabetic character in the mail, it'll exist from Jackie. You so need to go back to the vending machine in Overbrook, and purchase a Crispy Burlap Men poly peptide bar. It'll toll yous another obol. When you purchase it, the vending machine volition glow like information technology did before. In one case you have it in your inventory, caput towards Jackie, you'll be able to see his burgundy assertion mark on the screen.

You lot'll find Jackie at the Belfry. To get there, go to the ledge at the top left of the infirmary. Y'all'll run across a ladder that wasn't there earlier. Climb the ladder to the showtime level of the Tower, and talk to Jackie there. He'll tell yous that a patient lives in this belfry, just that y'all're not able to see her. He doesn't want the poly peptide bar after all, merely he'll requite you a Pager so that he tin can contact yous if he needs you. The quest will then complete.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Advanced Snackology.
This is the ledge to the tower, you can encounter where it is in relation to the hospital. I took this screenshot earlier in the quest line, simply in your version the ladder will be up against the Tower for y'all to climb up.

Quest: Slop 'N Slide

Head dorsum to your ship, and go about your spiritfaring duties for a while. I didn't receive a message until I left the island, just it might just exist time based. Subsequently some time, you'll receive a Pager message from Jackie asking for assistance with a kitchen emergency. Get back to Overbrook, and meet Jackie where you merely left him, outside the Tower. Talk to him, and he'll advise you that they need assist distributing the food. You'll and so need to go to the cafeteria, which is on the very top floor of the hospital, to the right of where Jackie is at the tower. You need to collaborate with the man in the window (practise this from outside the building, don't go in). However, instead of selecting the 'Talk' pick, select 'Menu' instead. From there, yous need to merits the "Nutritious" Slop.

Your requests log will tell you that y'all need to feed the "Nutritious" Slop to three dissimilar patients. However, you don't have to really do that. If you desire to exist kinder, you lot can requite them any of the other meals in your inventory. There are multiple spirits mulling around the hospital, and any 3 of them volition suffice for the quest. The only spirits who don't count are the chef, and Jackie. When you lot interact with them, select 'Give' instead of 'Talk'. Once you've given food to three spirits, go back to Jackie at the belfry. Talk to him, and it will end the quest.

Slop 'N Slide quest
This is where you meet Jackie to start and terminate the quest.

Quest: Hibernate and Seek

Back to waiting, I'm agape. Canvass away from the isle, and look for your Pager to go off over again. Jackie is panicking about missing patients, and wants you to come up dorsum to aid him. Meet Jackie back at the Tower in Overbrook. He'll let you know that there are iii lost patients that he needs you to detect.

The First Patient

The first patient is overnice and easy. They're hiding right in a higher place where Jackie is, on the 2d level of the Belfry. Jump up to the ledge right above you, and you'll see a spirit continuing there. Talk to them, and they'll agree to go back to their room.

The Second Patient

At present yous need to become left of the Belfry. Driblet down, then drop down again, and keep going left until you come across a ruined structure. If yous leap up onto the start level of the construction, you'll find a spirit standing on the left. This is the second lost patient. Talk to them until they render to their room.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Hide and Seek.
They're hiding behind some of the damaged walling.

The Tertiary Patient

Finally, caput to the vending auto that yous find at the archway to Overbrook. At that place will be ane last spirit hiding past the bush next to the vending machine. Later on having a conversation with them, they'll go back to their room. From in that location, you lot just need to get dorsum and tell Jackie the good news. He cheers you, and pays you back the obol that you spent on the Chocoblasterz. The quest will then stop.

Quest: House Call

Over again, exit Overbrook and wait for Jackie to folio yous. When he does, return to Overbrook, just you won't see Jackie. That's considering you now demand to practise the quest 'The Old Guitarist'. Upon completion of that quest (listed next), you'll automatically starting time a conversation with Jackie, which will complete House Phone call.

Quest: The Sometime Guitarist

Exciting news, you're about to meet Daria! When you lot return to Overbrook, Jackie will no longer exist stationed at his post outside the Tower, significant you tin go inside the door and climb up to the peak. Y'all can either climb up the ladders that are visible through the windows, or use double leap repeatedly. When you lot go to the top, go out through the green door. One level in a higher place, you'll run into a yellowish door with some strange symbols on, this is Daria'southward room. Go through that yellow door, and selection up the sail of music you find inside. If you take out your guitar whilst still in the room, you'll automatically play this new piece of music. Your playing will awaken Daria, who y'all tin now speak to. After that, Jackie will appear and enquire you not to visit her again. That conversation will complete both quests (Firm Call and The Quondam Guitarist).

Daria's room, The Old Guitarist.
When you climb upward the inside of the Tower, you'll come out the green door. Then you need to caput through the yellow i into Daria'south room.

Quest: Applied science 101

You know what to do by now. Sheet away from Overbrook, look for Jackie's Pager message, then head on back. You'll find Jackie at his usual spot past the Tower. When you talk to him, he'll give you an Elevator Key, and he'll send yous to the far right of the island to fix the ability. Go back to your trivial boat, only instead of going onto the side of Overbrook on the left like yous unremarkably would, jump to the correct instead. Yous'll meet a few buildings on this new role of the island. Jump on top of the second building, and collaborate with the metal device there. It will summon the elevator. Be warned, once activated, the lift volition go up and downward consistently, and so you'll demand to be quick with jumping on and off.

Once yous become to the top, yous'll see a fuse box just to the right of the elevator, interact with it. That turns the hospital'due south power back on, then and so you lot simply need to head back to Jackie. Conveniently, there's a nothing line by the fuse box which you tin accept all the way to the top of the Belfry. Drop down and talk to Jackie to consummate the quest.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide,  Engineering 101.
This is the device that controls the elevator.

Quest: Hot Still-Scape for Six Colors

This is probably the first part that yous'd get especially stuck on. Past at present, you're used to quests progressing later yous sail away from the isle for a while, nevertheless, that's not what you exercise hither. Instead, caput back up to the top of the lift, and accept the zip line to the top of the Tower. Jackie is still downwards at the lesser guarding the door up, but you don't need that anymore. Go within Daria's room and talk to her. She'll tell you about a special instrument she used to love, and transport you to go find it.

You lot'll need to observe Francis the Wandering Merchant on the map, await for the greenish onion-shaped symbol. Sail to him, and then talk to him. He'll confirm that he does indeed have the instrument, and he'll brand you do an errand for it. One time you've completed the errand (listed beneath), head back to Daria'southward room in Overbrook. Interact with her, and instead of selecting the 'Talk' choice, choose 'Requite', and paw her the Foreign Instrument, which should exist in your key items. This will end the quest.

Francis the Wandering Merchant, Handle With Care.
You should find Handle With Care at the top of the errands list.

Errand: Handle With Care

To get the Strange Instrument from Francis, you'll have to consummate the errand Handle With Care. It should be at the top of his errands list. To practise this y'all'll demand to trade four things – three Silver Ingots, iii Squids, 3 Snow Crabs, and 3 Lobsters. Yous can forge Silver Ingots in your ship's Foundry using Silverish Ore. If you don't take any, you can find it hither. The rest of the requirements can be plant by fishing from your ship in specific regions. Squid is found here, Snow Crabs can be found in the icy region (by the ice barrier), and lobster can be found here. Annotation that with fishing, there are plenty of different fish yous can catch, then information technology may take a while to catch the right types. Once yous have all the requirements, go dorsum to Francis to complete the errand.

Quest: The Incident

Back to the usual method! Leave Overbrook and chill on your transport for a while. Eventually you'll go a Pager message from Jackie, and he's big mad about you speaking to Daria. He'due south utterly furious, and demands y'all to come up back. Get dorsum on the island, and speak to Jackie in his usual spot outside the Tower. He gets angry and storms off, ending the quest.

Shenanigan: Three'due south Company

Near shenanigans tin can be washed at any betoken, but this one is necessary in society to continue the master quest line. After Jackie's tantrum, you'll demand to talk to the teal spirit stood side by side to where he was. They want to improve atmospheric condition at Overbrook hospital. To practise this, they ask yous to find a chef, a foreman, and a gardener. I'll listing how to find all of those people in the subheadings of this quest. In one case yous have all three, caput back to Overbrook, and look for the Caretaker's teal exclamation marking. Go and talk to them outside the Tower to complete the quest.

Finding a Chef

The starting time identify you lot'll need to go will be Hoseki Quarry on the left side of the map, co-ordinates -137, 28. Go inside, and caput up the first two ladders, and then go left. You lot'll come to a fork in the path, one route heading down and one heading up. Have the upper path, and and then caput left. Keep going until you see a alpine pink spirit, this is who you lot demand to talk to. Talk to them, and they'll concur to come with you, simply they want to make dummies of the workers so that the mine owners don't realise they've left. You'll need to hand over vii Maple Planks, 7 pieces of Linen Fabric, and 7 Carrots. Once you lot do this, they'll concord to work in the Overbrook hospital.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Hoseki Quarry Chef, Three's Company.
This is the spirit you're looking for.

Finding a Foreman/ Doc

And so, although this function starts off with y'all looking for a foreman, you end up finding a doctor instead. To start with, caput to Southpoint Docks, co-ordinates 157, 22. Get up the ladder into the docks, then bounce on the trash bin you see next to you. Once you jump high enough, you'll land on a surface, and you'll see a fat xanthous spirit just to the left of you. Talk to them, and you'll be sent to One-time Cardinal District, co-ordinates 185, -8. Become up the ladder into the town, and go into the building to the left of where you lot start. Go within, and head all the style upwards to the acme. Speak to the spirit you find at the peak, and he'll agree to work in the infirmary if you pay him ten,000 glims.

Three's Company, Old Central District.
This is the edifice you need to climb to the top of.

Finding a Gardener

Finally, head to Villa Maggiore, co-ordinates -58, 117. When y'all get in, head upwards the ladder so become all the way to the left. You'll run across a fatty green spirit, this is the gardener. When you first speak to him, he won't be interested, and so you'll need to be persistent. Once you lot've spoken to him 3 times, he'll give in and admit that he's lone. He will accept your offer to work in the hospital, and you won't have to requite him anything in return.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Villa Maggiore Gardener.
This is the gardener that knew Gwen.

Quest: The Nighttime Watch

A very short i after the pretty long chore we just did. Sail away and do your own thing, and after a day or and so y'all'll receive a Pager message from the Caretaker. Apparently Daria has requested to run into y'all. Head back to Overbrook, and talk to Daria in her Tower to consummate the quest.

Quest: The Raft of the Medusa.

This starts immediately after completing The Night Spotter. Become outside Daria'due south room and play your guitar, and the correct song will automatically play. Y'all'll and so exist transported to a rather trippy minigame with psychedelic colours. This next bit requires some platforming, and is probably the most difficult skill-based task in the game. It's much more challenging than the platforming you lot do in your meetings with Hades. Talk to Daria, and the mini game will begin. Yous'll see floating platforms, and y'all need to bound upwardly them to the very acme where Daria is. Annotation that the walls act similar portals to the other side of the screen. And then if yous walk into a wall, you'll come out the other side.

Talk to Daria when you reach her at the superlative. You'll need to climb up the platforms 3 times in total, with it getting progressively harder each time. On the second and third time, some of the platforms will disappear, so you'll need to get your timing just right. Information technology'll be useful if you accept the glide ability, but it's not essential. Once you consummate the platforming for the third time, you lot'll finish the mini game. You'll get in dorsum outside Daria's room and the quest will consummate, awarding you with 2 Radiant Springs as a result.

Radiant Springs Spiritfarer, Daria's mini game.
This mini game reveals a whole new side to Daria.

Quest: The Titanic Days

This will start upon you finishing The Raft of the Medusa. This quest is interlinked with the shenanigan 'A Helpful Spending Spree' (listed below). Once you have completed the shenanigan, complete the quest by playing your guitar by the blossom patch on the edifice next to the vending auto. Y'all'll exercise the mini game for one terminal time and when you beat it you'll receive 8 radiant Springs, and the quest volition consummate.

Shenanigan: A Helpful Spending Spree

The quest starts automatically, but to starting time the shenanigan you need to talk to the Caretaker again. They're in their usual spot by the Tower. Then, caput to the vending machine at the archway of Overbrook. First, buy Wellness Nuts using the two Radiant Springs in your inventory. After this, the quest 'The Great Wave' will starting time. Consummate 'The Great Wave' (listed beneath), then use the 4 Radiant Springs to purchase Loose Spices from the vending car. This will beginning the quest 'The Final Supper'. Upon completing 'The Last Supper' (listed beneath), go back to the vending motorcar and purchase Crackers for Animals using 6 Radiant Springs. Finally, go back to the Caretaker exterior the Belfry (I did this one time I'd completed the Titanic Days quest, merely I don't know whether that's mandatory).

Quest: The Great Wave

After buying Health Nuts, head to the power station on the correct hand side of the island. To observe it, get back to your modest boat, and then jump to the right. Climb to the top of the first edifice, and you lot'll see a small-scale patch of flowers growing on the wall. Stand on elevation of them, and play your guitar. It volition launch the platforming mini game with Daria, and you'll once over again need to get to the top and talk to her three times. One time you've done that, the quest will complete and yous'll receive 4 Radiant Springs.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, The Great Wave.
This is the spot y'all need to play in.

Quest: The Terminal Supper

This launches after you purchase Loose Spices from the vending machine. For this i, you'll need to play your guitar on top of the cafeteria. In case you've forgotten, the deli is at the very top of the Overbrook infirmary. Stand up on top of it, directly on the patch of flowers growing on the wall, and play your guitar again. Wait to be transported to the mini game, so do the platforming all three times to complete the quest and earn 6 Radiant Springs.

The Last Supper Quest, Cafeteria.
You'll demand to stand up here, directly on top of the cafeteria.

Quest: Impression Sunrise

With this one, note that the quest won't appear in your Requests log at first. You'll demand to kickoff doing the actions necessary for the quest until information technology shows up. To brainstorm with, become back to the vending machine. Yous should take 8 Radiant Springs that you got from completing 'The Titanic Days'. Utilise 4 of them to purchase Muriel's Sticky Toffee from the vending machine. When you do this, a white spirit will appear next to you. Talk to them, and agree to trade them the toffee. In exchange, they'll give you 8 Radiant Springs. Go back to the vending car selection, and purchase Infinite Sticks for 12 Radiant Springs. Then head dorsum to your ship and look for a Pager bulletin; you should receive information technology the day subsequently y'all consummate the vending auto.

Once you get the bulletin, head back to Overbrook, and meet Daria past the vending machine. Talk to her, and she'll invite herself onto your send. Unlike the other spirits, you won't need to build her a house, as she's simply staying for a short time. She'll be hanging upside down in your cabin, simply y'all won't be able to interact with her. Instead, caput to the Everdoor. Once in that location, talk to Daria i last time, and take her onto the little boat, earlier journeying to the Everdoor together. Her dialogue here is quite short compared to the other spirits, and of all of them, she seems the about at peace almost leaving. Once she's moved on, you'll arrive back on your gunkhole, and the quest will consummate.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Impression Sunrise.
I ever get emotional when the Everdoor theme starts playing.

Quest: Perimeter Sweep

Once once again, this quest won't show up directly away. Get back to Overbrook, and you'll observe Daria's spirit flower outside her room. Information technology volition be on the wall outside, and you can't miss it. In that location'south a purple flower symbol indicating where information technology is, and y'all'll be able to see information technology conspicuously. Once you collect it, head dorsum to your ship and sail around for a while. After some fourth dimension, a greenish assertion mark volition appear above Buck'south head (if y'all don't have Buck yet, y'all can find him hither). It'south clever that they used the one spirit that they tin guarantee volition still be on your boat. He'll tell you that he heard some peculiar noises, and asks you to investigate.

Look around the transport, and you'll discover Jackie hiding in one of the empty rooms! For me it was in Gwen'south room, but it might be different for you. Go inside and talk to him. He'll admit he had nowhere else to get, so tell him that he can stay on your send. This volition complete the quest.

Perimeter Sweep Quest, Jackie hiding.
That sneaky hyena!

Quest: Feelin' the Buzz

Await a while, and a burgundy exclamation marker will announced in a higher place Jackie'due south head. Talk to him, and he'll tell you that he wants to aid out effectually the send as he doesn't desire to be a freeloader. Follow him to the Field, and and so talk to him again. He'll requite yous a blueprint for a Beehive. Go to the Blueprint Station, go downward to 'Improve', and then select the Field on your transport. You lot'll have the option to build a Beehive there, and it will cost 12 Pine Planks, 6 XP Potions, and 4 Gilded Ingots. In one case you've built it, talk to Jackie within the field. He'll tell you lot how to expect afterward the bees, and the quest will consummate.

Quest: Hello, my Proper noun is Jackie

Upon completion of 'Feelin' the Fizz', you'll receive a design so you can build somewhere for Jackie to stay. Go back to your Blueprint Station, select 'Build', and navigate across to the center section where yous build the rooms for the spirits. Select 'Jackie's On-Call Room', and so place it wherever you want to build information technology on your send. You'll need ten Pine Planks, v pieces of Cotton wool Fabric, 3 pieces of Marble, and 2 Silver Ingots. Once information technology's been built, meet Jackie within the room, and talk to him to consummate the quest.

Quest: Hang in In that location, Skeleton

The next few quests are quite emotional, and develop Jackie's character a lot. With this one, it won't start straight away, then you'll need to offset doing these actions first. Grow flowers next to the Beehive, and wait for them to grow then that the bees can enjoy them. Wait a while, and Jackie volition get in there; yous'll see his burgundy exclamation mark appear. When you lot talk to him, he'll reveal that he struggles with regulating his emotions, and he asks for some solitary time. Await a while until his assertion mark appears again, and so meet him in his room and talk to him.

He'll acknowledge that he can't handle the burden of caring for other anymore, and asks y'all to expect later him as though he were 1 of your patients. He wants some upgrades to his room, the get-go thing is some Motivational Posters. He'll requite you a Pattern that you can have over to your Blueprint Station. Select 'Meliorate', select Jackie's On-Call Room on your ship, so yous'll have the selection to build the Motivational Posters. For these, you'll need 1 Bronze Sheet, 5 Iron Ingots, and 1 Clear Glass Sheet. Brand the improvement, and so talk to Jackie in his room to complete the quest.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Hang in There, Skeleton.
That is one absurd tiger poster.

Quest: A Middle-Sized Desert

Immediately afterward you complete 'Hang in there, Skeleton', Jackie will ask you for a Zen Garden so that he can get out of his caput. He'll requite you lot the Design, so once more you need to take it over to your Blueprint Station and improve his On-Call Room. This improvement requires 12 Pine Planks, one Steel Sail, and sixteen pieces of Silk Fabric. Build it, so go back in the room and talk to Jackie to consummate the quest.

Quest: Letting Information technology Go for Dummies

Wait a while for Jackie's exclamation mark to appear again (if you're impatient, attempt saving and quitting, then reloading the game). He'll ask you to get him some Self-Assistance Books, and he'll give you the Design. Head to your Blueprint Station one final time, and once more you'll be improving Jackie'southward room. This improvement needs ii Crystal Drinking glass Sheets, 6 Pulsar Ingots, and 2 Rose Gilt Sheets. Consummate the improvement, and and so talk to Jackie in his room to complete the quest.

Quest: The Depths of the Pit

Wait some more time until Jackie's burgundy exclamation mark appears once once more, then talk to him in his room. He'south in a bad manner, full of regret and self-loathing. He tells you that he's washed with life, and asks you to take him to the Everdoor. When yous arrive there, speak to him in his room. He'll inquire if yous're ready, say 'Yeah', and he'll get to the small boat. Get in with him, and ferry him to the Everdoor. The quest volition complete later he moves on and you arrive back on the ship.

The Depths of the Pit quest, Sending Jackie through the Everdoor.
Jackie is a complicated character, merely that's what makes him so special.


Alongside the main quest lines, there are besides several shenanigans that y'all tin can do. These are standalone side quests, and involve undertaking tasks for spirits that aren't relevant to the main storyline. There are five shenanigans that can exist undertaken from Overbrook, and I've listed details for each 1 below, including where to go to outset them. Delight annotation that the bottom three can just be completed after finishing the shenanigan 'Three'due south Company' from the main quest line.

Shenanigan: An Arm and a Leg

For this i, you lot'll need to start by talking to the spirit on the peak left of the hospital, adjacent to the cafeteria. This is a very brusk ane, or at least it was for me. Y'all simply talk to them and they'll ask you to for some ingredients. If you already accept them in your inventory, the items volition be automatically taken and you'll just have to make your way through the dialogue. If you don't take them yet, then you'll need to go get them. The items are: 2 Household Glue (melt an Sometime Shoe in the Foundry), x sawdust (a by-product when yous brand a log into a plank), and pork. One time yous give the spirit the items and end the dialogue, the shenanigan will complete.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, An Arm and a Leg.
This white spirit on the seat is the 1 you demand to talk to.

Shenanigan: The Real Spiritfarer

This one can be started by talking to a spirit on the right mitt side of the isle, almost where the elevator is. When you kickoff go to the correct from your petty boat, you lot want to jump on summit of the very starting time building in that location. You'll run across a spirit stood there, and when you talk to him, he'll claim to be the real Spiritfarer. He accuses you of stealing his job, but says you can make it upwardly to him by helping him get his Everlight back. He says that he's lost it in the h2o, and that you lot'll need to fish information technology out for him.

Get dorsum on to your ship, only stay moored at Overbrook. Instead of sailing away, go to your fishing rod, and fish in the h2o. Yous should fish up a lightbulb. Information technology happened first effort for me, just it may be different on your game. Once you have the lightbulb, return to the spirit and requite it to him to complete the shenanigan.

Shenanigan, The Real Spiritfarer.
Hither'south the 'Real Spiritfarer'.

Shenanigan: Babysitter for the Pet

Look for the medico at Overbrook hospital. He's a fat teal spirit outside the first balcony, he'll say "Oh!" when y'all're near him, without you lot having to talk to him first. Talk to him, and he'll tell yous that he needs someone to look after his birds, every bit he left them when he moved hither. You'll also need to get some cherries every bit treats for them. He'll send you to Edgeborough Lane (co-ordinates 192, -105) to discover a petsitter, you need to find the Lizard Rex. You'll probably take interacted with him earlier in the game. If you can't remember where he is, he's found on the roof of the building to the right of the lemon store (head right a little from where you lot make it). Speak to him, and he'll be delighted at the prospect of looking after the birds. Caput back to the md in Overbrook, and talk to him to complete the shenanigan.

Shenanigan: Journey to the Cadre

Find the short dark-green spirit side by side to the ruined structure in Overbrook (downwardly and to the left of the Belfry), where you found one of the lost spirits before. Speak to him, and he'll tell y'all that the other spirits are calling him names, and he'd similar them to finish. Y'all'll demand to speak to the Head Doctor (the spirit we only did the 'Babysitter for the Pet' shenanigan for). He'll feel apologetic, and ask you to give the other spirit an apple equally a peace offering. He conspicuously has no idea how much they price, as he gives you v,000 glims to buy one! Take your apple dorsum to the brusque green spirit and talk to him. He'll pass up the apple, but he'll decide he's happy with what he has in his life, and the shenanigan volition complete.

Spiritfarer Jackie and Daria Quest Guide, Journey to the Core.
You're looking for this spirit hither.

Shenanigan: The Correct Kind of Spice

For the final new shenanigan, you lot demand to find the chef in the Overbrook deli. In case you've forgotten, that'due south at the acme of the hospital. Speak to the chef through the window, and they'll ask for assist with getting new meals. Y'all'll demand to get French Fries, Muesli, Fisherman's Pie, and Vegetable Stir Fry (I've linked all the recipes). If you take them in your inventory, you lot'll automatically show them to the chef when you talk to them. If you do not take the meals in your inventory, you lot'll instead be asked to get some ingredients for them. You'll need 4 Leeks, 3 Raspberries, 5 Rice Flour (put Rice in the Windmill), and 4 Potatoes. The shenanigan will consummate once you terminate the chat.


Phew, that was a lot! Hopefully this has helped with whichever quest or shenanigan you were stuck on. I spent countless hours making sure this guide was as detailed and useful as possible, so if there's anything you call up I've missed then please do let me know in the comments.

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